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Czech Air Force

The Future Air Force Conference - New Generation Aircraft is organised under the auspices of the Czech Air Force Commander MG Petr MIKULENKA.


The Czech Air Force is due to replace its current fleet of the JAS-39 Gripen soon. This constitutes a similar challenge as was the replacement of the Soviet-made MIG aircraft 20 years ago. However, exponential technological development and unpredictability of current and future battlefield make this task increasingly difficult and ever-more complex. This complexity is, for example, well reflected in terminology as we now use the term Air Combat System, rather than aircraft.
The aim of the Future Air Force Panel – New Generation Aircraft is to address some of these complexities and challenges by focusing in particular on the following areas:
  • Future Security environment and the role of the NATO Air power within it
  • The Czech approach towards Future Air Combat System (FACS)
  • Integration of the Czech Future Air Combat System into the NATO multidomain operations
  • Future education and training
  • Role of the Czech defence, security and academic sectors in supporting the Future Air Combat System


COL (Ret.) Petr TICHÝ – FUTURE FORCES FORUM Program Director, CZE
COL Jan SUSEKÁR – Development of Air Force Department, Czech Armed Forces General Staff
MG Petr MIKULENKA – Air Force Commander, CZE
MEMBERS (in alphabetical order)
COL (GS) Miloslav Bauer, Ph.D. – Head, Department of Air Force, University of Defence
MG (Ret.) Bohuslav Dvořák – Director of Projects, Omnipol
Mr. Zbyněk Pavlačík – CEO, Jagello 2000
Dr. Kristina Soukupová – President, Defense and Security Innovation Hub
BG (Ret.) Libor Štefánik – Czech Air Force Commander (2013 – 2016)
COL (GS) Vladimír Vyklický – Instructor, Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies, University of Defence


The Future Air Force Panel – New Generation Aircraft will be organized in two separated blocks, but with interconnected topics.

SECOND BLOCK, 20 October 2022

PVA EXPO Prague within the Future Forces Exhibition & Forum 2022
Given the complexity of the Future Air Combat System, the fast technological development and the increasing number of stakeholders needed for successful acquisition and operation of such system, collaboration among traditional and non traditional partners is a must. Industry, academia, users and government officials must work together to achieve best results.
The second block will focus on training of Air Force personnel and the role of the national defence industry within FACS integration.
Morning Panel
Are the Czech defence, security, and academic sectors ready to participate on the development of the future Air Force capabilities?
Afternoon Panel
Education and Training – What and how need to be changed to prepare the future warriors?
Networking and Informal Discussion
Afternoon snack and wine tasting
| The program is subject to change and update. All speakers and participants will be informed about potential changes in due time.


  • Abstract title
  • Name of the FFF expert panel
  • Author(s) and short professional CV(s), contact email and phone number, photo(s)
  • Abstract (between 150 and 200 words)
Authors are requested to send abstracts by email to events@future-forces-forum.org Please submit your abstract as a Microsoft Word document and your photo as a separate JPG or PNG file. All speakers will be listed on the FFF website.


  • Abstract Submission 30 June 2022 (later submissions may be accepted on individual basis)
  • Notification of Acceptance No later than one week after receiving
  • Full Paper Submission 30 September 2022
  • Audience online Registration 12 October 2022


You are welcome to attend and participate in the conference, even if you do not present a Paper. However, it is mandatory for all individuals to register online.


Armed and security forces, governmental or international organisations, local authorities, public research & development and academia
Please see the Call for Partners or contact us at info@future-forces-forum.org in case of your interest in presentation or partnership.


All delegates are welcome to attend the FFF 2022 expert panels FREE OF CHARGE (online registration mandatory)

Further information will be published continuously.

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